Also a beautiful open air verandah, where they serve meals. Terry didn't attempt the walk into the gorge as it was quite rocky and steep in parts but Di did well. We took heaps of photos, as the walk was so pretty, also Larissa explained so much about the different flowers, trees, plants etc, what you could eat and what would kill you, we did taste some things like the kapok tree flower (not deadly!!). She also showed us where the 2006 cyclone hit the place and where the water levels reached (we see photos later of the destruction to the pool,varandah, camp sites etc..Unbelievable) After about a 30min walk, we arrived at Emma Gorge, it was beautiful & so inviting...Me and....Carol ( yes CAROL!)
as well as John went for a swim, it is a bit cold at first but you adapt quickly( cause you go numb!) but it was just fantastic to swim on your back looking up at the waterfall and the escarpment with water droplets falling.
We even had an area that had some thermal water seeping through the rocks making the water warmer in sections. We stayed here for about 1/2hr enjoying the scenery, we then headed back to the resort ,where we were served up a beautiful morning tea including cakes, even a yummy Gluten Free cake for the girls, tea/coff, fruit & juices, it was good.
After this we drove into El Questro station, where there is camping areas with bungalows, tents, your own camp area (mostly tents or camper trailers) & private camp areas down beside the Pentecost River, there is a restaurant, shop which sells basic items, including grog & a helipad, airfield, staff accom. We then went to the restaurant where we had lunch which included barra & steak chips & salad. After lunch we just a had look around the joint and then we met up with Amy, our guide for the next part of out tour, here we boarded an open air vehicle like the ones you see in the African plains with 3 sets of bench seats.
We then went down to the wharf were you would usually get the boat, this had to also be remade as the previous wharf was washed totally away, Amy showed us photos of before the wet and you just couldn't believe the difference (hopefully you can see them on our photos), after here we went to the Durack tree which is a lge boab tree on the edge of the Chamberlain & Pentecost Rivers. We then made our way up to the Saddleback Ridge lookout, a real steep, bumpy...I mean REAL BUMPY ride up, you should have seen the 3 girls trying to take photos of the countryside, laugh, not sure if any will turn out so good !! OH BOY.
As you climb higher, the view just becomes more magnificent, until you you reach the top where there is a viewing platform...with 360deg viewing... IT IS JUST AWESOME and although the sky was smoke hazy the views are another thing that everyone should see. We loved it!! Here we enjoyed watching the sun setting, some champagne and a fruit platter, and we also had a helicopter go past us at eye level and only 20-30ft away.. how good. We stayed up here for about 1/2 hr and then we headed slowly down, 2 of us didn't finish their drinks so they tried to drink them on the way down, guess who??? was male Canadian & the other.... well you know who !!!!! we think they spilt more on themselves & Sandra than they drank, plus they again tried to take success!! After getting back to the station we had an awesome sunset & were met by Graham who drove us back to our sites with him doing a quiz on what we learnt or could remember about El Questro, we did pretty good 9/10. Arriving back around 6.45pm A long day but well worth it!!!! An easy tea and early nite....... SUNDAY.....An easy day up early do some computer work then 5 loads of washing, clean van, defrost fridge/freezer and yes 'Foggy'... she cleaned her fan (electric one). Carol got mail... a birthday card from Karen, David, Michael & Bron, with some nice and funny made her cry!! We also sat by the pool & the girls did their hair...coloured etc.
The Bewells have gone on a flight over Lake Argyle & the Bungle Bungles, we are doing this on Friday as they & the Butlers are heading off Friday. Diane has finally got a flight which does the mail run to the big stations, she has been trying since Cooper Pedy, some 3mths ago, so she will undoubtedly enjoy, we don't know about the pilot... he may have to turn the squelch up on his headphones as Di will be bombarding him with questions!!!!!! The Bewells loved their flight and Diane enjoyed hers, stopping at a number of stations, speaking with shooters (who are culling donkeys & brahmas), We hang around the pool in the arvo. WEDNESDAY......Up around 5am and Caz & I go and play golf, Caz didn't actually play as she has had a pain in the neck....NO NOT ME and headaches for the past 2 days, but she is a good caddy. Played 9 holes before it starts get to hot, it was good, sand greens, only lost 1 ball, which is good for me, & only one 10!!! Finished by 7.30am with no one else on the course, how good.
Back for breakie and then the Bewells, Emma & us go for a drive out to Molly Springs, which is only 30k's out of town. The road was being graded when we drove in, so that was good and its only a short walk in to a small, but clear spring with a waterfall, John & I went for a swim and it was not cold, very nice, actually, we hang out here for 40min or so and
THURSDAY...........Well we didn't walk this morning....but maybe we should have, Caz has hurt her lower back pretty bad, she was in tears with pain, she bent down to slide the esky and her back went on her. she couldn't move for over 40min and after giving her some pain killers, they didn't ease the pain, so we got her into the car & took her to the hospital. She has thrown something out in her back & has been given pain killers & anti inflamm's, but she can't sit up so we aren't going anywhere for a few days, cancelled our flight and with the others leaving tomorrow we will just have to wait till she gets better........Well it didn't get better, in fact after sleeping for 3hrs or so she woke up feeling sick and boy was she.... didn't stop vomiting. In the meantime whilst caz was laying in Emmas bed, we all had tea and between checking on her and tea I was walking out of Emmas unit and here was a 5-6ft brown snake (at least i think it was) so I went and got the managers, Simon & Julie, well it had taken off into another yard but when Simon turned into that yard you heard him say .... OH BOY ITS A BIG ONE..he thought it may have been a python but I think it was a King Brown, just by the colour and also the time of night it was when they are there most active, anyway by 7pm I had contacted the hospital as Carol was very sick & we took her back in, she had a reaction to the pain killers that have tramadol in them, and just couldn't stop being sick, she was the only one in emergency and the Dr who saw her was on his way home, he gave 5 diff drugs to her through a drip and said she would be right in 1/2r to1hr and he headed off home, well after an hour of more vomitng, the nurse contacted the Dr and he prescribed 2 more drugs which also didn't work,(let me tell you she missed the bag 3 times and got me each time...I think it is payback !!) so after another hr and around 10.30pm the descision was made to keep her in so as to give her more drugs and also fluids through the drip, so she was taken to a ward and after entering the wrong room!!!! she was given a room to herself & Rans left, as she was almost off her head. FRIDAY..Rans was up early and went for a walk, it was around 6am and there were a lge number of locals out walking the streets and most of them well intoxicated, but they didn't cause too much trouble. Caz rang around 8am and Rans went & picked her up, she had continued to be sick up till 12.30am, but she looked so much better but still in a lot of pain, came back to park and the girls showered her and then she went and slept at Emmas. Slept most of the morning, then woke still feeling like ...hit!! she just layed around for the arvo at Emmas (so so grateful to Emm & Matina for the use of their place with its air cond) Rans went down to the Tavern to watch the the way who won ..............MANLY THE MIGHTY SEA EAGLES ARE THERE AGAIN !!!!! Walked home and checked on Caz who had been looked afer by Sandy & Di (many thanks girls), Caz was feeling a bit down and not too well but she slept OK. It got up to 41deg today. SATURDAY..... Caz gets up and has a shower but feeling yuk, she goes for a walk and rests in our van for a short time but it gets way too hot and she returns to Emmas for arvo.
We have arvo drinks & bikkies as Bewells & Butlers are heading off in the morning, then Rans heads down to watch footy with Emm & Matina, a good game....go the Warriors (only for last nite not next week !). Caz slept in van after 2 nites away, she sleeps so so, still not 100% SUNDAY....... Another hot nite, Caz feels a little brighter, the other 2, Bewells & Butlers headed off towards Broome, with Sand & John booked in for a couple of nites for their 25th wedd ann. We just hung around the van today, did some computer work, another hot day, Caz taking it easy, she went for a wade in the pool, felt good, her back is a bit better, no sharp stabs just a dull ache, but much brighter in herself.