Well hi to all, hope this finds you's all well and had a great Christmas with all your family & friends. As you can imagine we have been very busy as we flew home to spend Xmas with our boys. Well this is what has happened since last post. FRIDAY 2 DEC....We head off from Cervantes down the coast road heading towards Perth. It was windy again with the van being blown around.

The road down is not to bad until you get down near Yanchep with a number of trucks & idiots on the road. We had a red ss commodore overtake us (doing approx 180km p/hr). We arrived at the Thomsies and gave the van a bit of a clean and did some washing. Mitch came home from work and we had a good talk and then we sat out the front of the house with a wine when Karen pulled into the drive !! Thomsie then came home after a Xmas party over at Rottnest Is. He was going pretty good considering !! we then sat around & enjoyed a few quiet drinks & lots of laughs. SATURDAY 3 DEC.......The four of us head down to Hillary's for a cuppa prior to Thomsie & me heading our sailing for the arvo. Yes ! The Skipper & Gilligan!! It was a hot day today with little wind. We arrived at the mariner & met up with the other crew, Ron & Peter. The race is pretty tense as it is Club Championship today, we finished First over the line by 3min and won another class but we lost on handicap (maybe that was me !). It was a good arvo, we had a couple of drinks & nibbles on the boat prior to heading into the club for presentations. We made our way back home for drinks & dinner, heading off to bed...Rans was stuffed !! SUNDAY 4 DEC....It is another warm morning, so we decide to go to a cafe for brunch. We found a nice cafe in Cottlesloe where they do Gluten Free. We then made our way back home and just hung around for the arvo with Rans having his Grandpop nap!! Later we had nibblies & drinks followed by Thai for dinner. MONDAY 5 DEC....Rans is up early, his knee is giving him grief but goes our for a 70min walk along the coast. He then drove to Sth Perth and droped the car off to be repaired, it will be ready Wednesday and the awning will be done Thurs/Fri. It was thundering at 4am this morning but has come out very steamy. Carol & Karen went for a walk with Karen's friends & then to Hillary's for morning tea. Mitch has been off sick with a virus & we all have tea with a few drinks, a good laugh about past times. TUESDAY 6DEC......Well the drought has broken with us waking to rain & thunder, the rain continues throughout the day. The storms are around all day with 2 huge clasps of thunder which frighten the s*#t out of Carol. Today the Perth airport also shuts down causing huge problems. WEDNESDAY 7 DEC......We went for a walk in the morning & our car is all fixed & ready to be picked up.

THURSDAY 8 DEC....Well we are up early today as you all now know that we are heading home for Xmas, Thomsie drops us off early at the airport and we catch the 10am flight arriving in Syd at 5.30pm. Caught the train home ( mouthy swearing bloke on train made for a pleasant trip...not) . Then as we are walking to pick up the car, (as the boys & Jade have gone to the Foo Fighters) & we are approached by some bloke asking for money !!! first time in 7 mths....good old downtown Woy Woy! We then drop our gear off and drive to the HULLS, Caz had been speaking to Bron on the phone telling her that we were in Perth. We got to their place and walked through Wal's place next door out to the water front and then snuck up the stairs to the TV room where Olivia & Tegan were sitting ,they were shocked but kept quiet, we then made it to the stairway and Carol was speaking to Bron on the phone and she worked out where we were and she ran down the stairs crying, it was a great surprise, Hully was stunned, so we had some drinks with them before heading home waiting for the kids to come home, which was about 1am so it was hugs etc all round. FRIDAY 9 DEC........Up and headed off down to Greg's shop and surprised him, he was stunned also and hugged & kissed Rans. We then went to the Murphy's and surprised them, Caz had her hair done whilst Rans went & saw his Dr. We then called in and saw Lousie, then saw Cheryl who was off sick and she cried & cried & cried. We then saw Rans mum and she was also surprised but very happy. We then made our way over to Erina & surprised Deb then we & the boys to Hoggs Breath for lunch. It was lovely. Us 2 then went to the skin dr for our checkups, made our way home stopping at the Police Stn & surprising Mick Schribes. Out for tea with the Hulls. A very busy, happy teary day !! SATURDAY 10 DEC........We called over & surprise Rans brother Mark & Kim, then went for a beer with Mick, Captain & Mark at the Empire Bay Tavern, then dinner with the Hulls. SUNDAY 11 DEC.......We head over & see Brad & Marg surprised them & Marg & Vick. Had a lovely time catching up with them
MONDAY 12 DEC.......Well now that we've come home we need to buy Xmas pressies ...so a day shopping ....
TUESDAY 13DEC.......Happy Birthday to Bron, we all went out to tea to celebrate. Great nite
WEDNESDAY 14 DEC........ Rans went to Sydney to get some Dental work done, a few fillings and $$$$$$
THURSDAY 15 DEC... Today we had a lovely day putting up the Xmas decorations with the boys & Jade & Jacque, it was sooo much fun, lots of laughter.....FRIDAY 16 DEC......We did a lot of running around today but getting nowhere !! with Christmas parties etc the days seemed to fly
SATURDAY 17 DEC.....Rans went over to help our friend Vic move house, in the arvo he went for a bet & drink with Mano, then went to the Manson's for tea along with the Hulls, Longs & Murphy's. It was a great nite sitting out on the lawn looking over the water with a wonderful feed. We finished around 11.30pm with Greg falling asleep.
SUNDAY 18 DEC..... We went to the the Browns & surprise them, only staying for a short time as we had a luncheon at the Sailing Club with Deb & Gary which was nice with good food, then went back to Debs place & had a lovely afternoon chatting, with a few more quiet drinks.
MONDAY 19 DEC........Xmas shop at Erina & Rans has to get a mole cut out of his back at skin specialist. Results all good !!
TUESDAY 20 DEC........Today Bron & Carol went to Erina whilst Rans has lunch with his mum. We went for tea at Ett Bowl Club with the Manson's, Murphy's, Hulls for Liam's B'Day. Another fun filled nite
WEDNESDAY 21 DEC............Today more Xmas shopping and Adam put a down lights in his room with the apprentice Rans !!!!, we then went to the movies with Adam & Rans seeing Miss Impossible whilst Bron Carol & Olivia seeing New Years Eve.
THURSDAY 22 DEC........We did some shopping prior to us leaving to go to Margarets place in Sydney to surprise them. Carol actually gets a call from Margaret in the morning asking where we are & what we are up to (they were thinking about coming to Perth for a few days to see us !!), so a couple of little white lies she made it through the call without letting on. We then drove to Jason & Lina Judd's place and waited for Jeff & Marg, well what a surprise when they arrived, we really shocked them with Jeff looking stunned & Margaret screaming & crying. So after the shock & some drinks we went to a neighbours for Xmas drinks. It was great nite finishing around 1.30am.
FRIDAY 23 DEC........We get up with a dry mouth & headache, but after a nice cooked breakie we feel a lot better & we say our goodbyes and drive back home. Rans went to the club with Brett for the raffles with Brett winning a meat tray. Rans & I then went to the Hulls for a quiet drink, sitting on the veranda which was so nice.
SATURDAY 24 DEC..... Today we tidy up around the house, Mano gives us a box of beautiful tasting cherries & mango's. Later in the arvo the 3 boys went to Gregs shop and had a couple of drinks for Xmas, they then went to the club for a bet & drinks. Then off to Brads for the traditional Xmas Eve get together. It was so nice to catch up with friends, getting home around 10pm.
SUNDAY 25 DEC.......We wake up to a nice morning with the sun finally out. We open our pressies and Carol cries with her pressie from the boys, beautiful studio photos of them, they are so lovely.(big thankyou to Jade for getting them organised) Rans gets a toy drill (funny story behind that !) we won't go into why he got it. We then have a nice breakie with the 6 of us. Shirl, Mark & Kim & the kids arrive for Xmas lunch .
We have a nice day with the best oysters that Rans has tasted in a long time, along with Prawns, Glazed Ham, chooks & salads. The kids enjoyed the pool with Uncle Stephen mucking around with them. A great Xmas Day...so glad we made it back.
MONDAY 26 DEC.......... Up early, Rans went for a walk, then the Hulls turn up, open pressies... we got some nice ones, thanks Bron & Michael.
Rans then starts the BBQ for a Big Breakie & all the Murphy's & Wilkinson's turn up and have a champagne breakie which was so nice & a good laugh. They slowly leave during the arvo & the Manson's turn up and we have a few more drinks, prawns etc. It has been a great day with our friends. The 6 of us then have toasted sandwiches for tea & then we play Trouble & Sequence. The 4, Adam Jade Brett & Jacque laughing off their heads, as we sit back and enjoy the time with them. We then join in as Brett goes to bed to sleep and we have a good, fun evening.
TUESDAY 27 DEC...........Its overcast again and cool. Have breakie and Rans does some work around Shirls house. Cheryl comes round for a cuppa, then they go over to Erina with Adam & Jade...shopping ! Rans goes to Elanora for lunch with Brad, Matt, Heals, Snap & Brownie, first time they have been together since N.Z. Great Day
WEDNESDAY 28 DEC.......Today Rans catches up with Mano for a beer & bet at the local, nice arvo. Deb comes around late arvo and has a drink and chat. Congratulations to Sean on getting engaged. We then went out for tea with Brett & Jacque.
THURSDAY 29 DEC.........The six of us and Shirl go out for breakie at 304. We then made our way up to the Races at Gosford getting there before the horses & jockeys...HA HA, the Hulls, Manson's(without Greg), Murphy's, Mark & Kim, all came and we had a great day with Carol winning a couple of Quinellas & Rans a couple of small wins. We then went to the Murphy's for a sausage sizzle for a send off tea. A good laugh watching Eric chasing his Xmas pressie around the backyard (puppy dog). We headed off around 8.30pm as we have to get up at 3am. OUR TIME WITH OUR FRIENDS HAS BEEN FANTASTIC. BOTH OUR BOYS HAVE MADE US SO PROUD WITH LOOKING AFTER OUR HOME, HELPING NAN & with their occupations.. Special THANKS MUST ALSO GO TO JADE & JACQUE WHO ARE A GREAT HELP & GOOD FUN TO BE AROUND.
FRIDAY 30 DEC.......Up around 2.40am & head off driving down with Adam & Jade to the airport. Brett was working and met us there. He was running a little late as he was involved in the shots fired at Police down near the Chinese Consulate. Said our goodbyes to our boys & Jade....Carol got heaps of kisses & cuddles in !! We arrived in Perth to a hot morning. After settling back in Rans & Thomsie go to the boat to get ready for New Year, giving it a wash etc. So to all we have seen, many thanks for making our short time back home enjoyable....now we will need to detox !!! Take Care, Love the Travellers... Once again.xxxxxxxxxxxx Miss you all