Well we have arrived in the Capital of central Australia, (Alice Springs). It is much diff to what we all expected. A really nice tidy town, during day light hrs appears to be doing its best but dont think too many people like to venture out late of a nite.The cops have a lot to deal with. Sorry we have not blogged any earlier but we have been on the go every day...... so ... On sat morn 18th /6 we head up to the lookout close by to our site for sunrise of The Rock, and met up with a couple from Tassie who have invited us to stay at their property (when we go to Tassie), then back for breakie & on to Uluru. What a sight, it is so big, unbelievable to see, and sheer the cliffs all round are just incredible to see, the walk up the rock is closed due to wind conditions, so we decide to walk around the rock, nearly 10klms, Terry only walked to Kanji Gorge, then the other 5 of us continued around the rock , took some great photos of the rock , waterholes & flowers but some places of the Rock are sacred sites so no photos allowed to be taken , we go past where the Famous Dingo took Azaria??? It took 3 & 1/2 hrs to walk around & by then the climb up was opened, so Rans decides to go up, takes off and makes the chain railing (about 150mtrs ) & looks back... BOY its high & scary, others continue to climb which is another 1.2km but he decided to come back down but got down on his BUM?? and crawled very slowly !!We then went out to sunset viewing area, we got there around 4.30pm & opened bottle of Moet,(thanks Jack & Will) & chesse & bikkies,sat there till the sunset, it was just beautiful watching the rock change so many colours, great day again!!!! Sunday 19/6 everyone a bit exhausted from previous day so Carol & Rans went up in a helicopter ride over Uluru & the Olgas, just awesome, loved it, well worth the money but I would do the walks through Olgas first so as to get a better idea of where you go. We took over 80 photos. We see things like The Capricorn Resort which is $2000 a note minimum 2 DAYS??? Carol enjoyed the flight, a little nervous, but she told the pilot the front needs a JESUS BAR??????????? Back for happy Hr again, how good is this...

Monday we are up early as we are going out for the whole day, Caz does hot chooks in her dream pot. We all go out to Sunrise of Olgas which is great. We all then go on a walk through one of the valleys in the Olgas, which was great, then back to car for morn tea. The Bewells & us two go on a walk through the Valley of the Winds this was just the best thing that we have seen & done so far, the views through the valley plus the cliff faces are magnificent, it was 7.4km and took a while but just great, back for hot chicken lunch then back to C/van pk.. Tez & Rans go up to bottle shop as Tez wants some beer, you have to take a slip of paper which has your name & site No on it (to buy any alcohol),Tez asked how much is a carton? the bloke told us they don't sell cartons, only a 6 pack to one person only, the price for 6 pack of Carlton draught was $38, yes that's right ! it works out to be $152 a ctn!!! Tez told him he'll take up drinking water.!!!!!! Adam went back to specialist today Many thanks Cathxxx
Tues we head off to Kings Canyon, saw a herd of wild camels not much else, arrive set up, its called a Resort but far from it!! Reception smelt of mouse,( there were mice running around everywhere) no Ph reception, mum panics as it Brett's B,Day on Thurs, anyway 5 of us go for the helicopter ride over the Canyon, it is absolutely great again, you get value for money & its worth every cent. Diesel here is $2.24.8 catch up with new friends Harley & Jeff & wife's for drinks. During the night we hear Dingos which are close by, but we didn't know how close till morning
Wed we went on Katherine walk & Kings Canyon gorge walk, come back and saw a dingo in park, it jumps up opens the lid of a wheelie bin and pulls out a bag of rubbish but is shooed off by a camper.

THURSDAY 5 of us do the Kings canyon rim walk, it is steep at the beginning with very narrow paths with sheer drops in some places Rans & Di find it a bit hard re heights but once at the top it was again AWESOME, we don't go near the cliffs although John is much gamer than the rest of us but not as game as some of the idiots who sit on the cliff edge(200m straight down) with their legs dangling over the side, We all enjoy the walk which took a little over 4hrs. The Garden of Eden was great a Billabong up on top of the gorge with water, plants etc. Di done really well as it is tiring and steep. Back ring Brett & Shirl for their B'Day by public phone and then pack up. The grounds have a lot to be desired with filthy toilet blocks, which we complain of, they have a monopoly so its take it or leave it. FRIDAY we head back towards the Stuart Hwy, get some fuel at Erldunda, lunch, phone calls, net stuff and then stop at Rest area for the night, nice spot new toilets not to noisy 3-4 other cars pull up. SAT Up and head off arriving in Alice around 11.15am, it surprises us all a nice town in between the McDonnell ranges, the c/park is very busy, sites are small, we are under a tree which we don't like but its livable. We go into town to do shopping at Woolies plus beer stock up( you have to swipe your drivers licence to buy it ), then back for Hamburgers for tea, its a bit noisy where we are with a main rd close by. SUNDAY Up and into town and see the markets catch up with Harley & Jeff again, Carol bumps into a couple she new, (Beverley & Kevin)who now live at Nowra, then back for lunch and then out to the Old telegraph Stn, go on walk see where they have the Boat races on the Todd river, which never has any water in it, then to Anzac Lookout over town, it was great. MONDAY The Bewells and us 2 head off out to the West McDonnell Ranges, a drive of about 140km one way, we went to Glen Helen gorge & campground it was great, then onto Mt Sonter lookout and then Ormiston Gorge which was a gorgeous, and wonderful walks around the water (which was a bit smelly from dead fish which apparently die this time year), then onto Serpentine Gorge, another beautiful place with a lookout on to of the cliff (rans didn't make this one.. a bit close to the edge), we then returned home getting back around 5.40pm a quick shower then to the RSL for tea with Kev & Beverley and watch footy,... worse luck, ( Manly -St George ) a nice meal for all. TUESDAY do a bit around the vans, get gas bottles filled etc, then after lunch go out to the Desert Park which is again well worth the money and a must to see, the bird show was great along with the different aviaries and the nocturnal house. It takes 3-4hrs but you could spend a day there. Then back for early tea ,everyone is a bit exhausted, its been go go go but it has also been such a wonderful, eyeopening experience so far that every Aussie should see & do. Well we are here in Alice till Sun then we are heading out to the ranges for a few days free camping, then we will slowly be making our way towards Darwin.The days have been beaut about 21-22 degrees, nites still a bit cool, but getting warmer, no rain since we were in Cobar NSW,There a lot more photos you can see...go to the RHS and click on Trip phptos, you will probably get sick of looking at ssoooo many, but cant take enough to show the true vision we see, Its Cathy's birthday tomorrow so A BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Cath, will close now miss you all, hope you are all ok, take care..love you all heaps Rans & Carol xxxx PS...Hi to Ott & Sue too, our friends in Wamberal xx
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