The girls in the meantime went out with Sharon to do some exploring ..... We headed out to what they call The Graveyard which is hundreds & hundreds of Magnetic Termite Mounds in a area near Dundee, they were like looking at very large headstones ( for giants) all in rows..incredible, then we drove to the mouth of Boat Creek, where along the beach there are just millions of shells..if you had a shovel you could just scoop them up. (but the boys pre-warned us about NOT collecting any more souveniers to go in the vans !!) Also when your picking them up you need to keep one eye out for crocs !!! After there we headed along a beach for about 5 klms to the mouth of The Finniss River, it was once again..beautiful. We returned back to the boat ramp just as the boys arrived back. After cleaning & filleting the Spanish Mackeral, Smeds decides to put some crab traps in (10), so Rans and John went with him down to a creek behind the park, well its just wide enough to get a tinny down but when we arrived its nearly all mud, so a beer later, we drop the boat, turn it around in the mud, wait a few minutes for the tide to start coming in ( another beer), we finally can start the engine (but only just) and we travel through these small creeks, which then enlarges to a bigger creek and then into a huge river, we then travel across the river and go and set the traps in the mangroves
.This is croc country, oh boy...... John is hanging over the edge of the boat setting the traps... while I hang on to his legs...just incase !!!! we get back to camp about 7.45pm, yes darkness. ( rather eerie ) the girls had nice salads made to go with then nice feed of makerel.
THURSDAY...... Up early to go and check the traps, John, Rans & Smeds head off and we get 8 nice size mud crabs, we also re-set the traps for tomorrow. We get back and go to Smeds place to prepare and cook the crabs, we start a fire, put some sea water in some kegs and boil up the crabs, in the meantime, Smeds gets a call to go on a charter boat down towards the WA border, for 4 days, so he packs up quickly ( beer, sleeping bag & what he's wearing !!) and leaves.
After cooking the crabs we return to the tree near the water and hoe into the crabs, bloody beautiful, so nice. We then tidy up and the Bewells & Ransleys head into Darwin leaving apprx 4.25pm & arriving at the Mindil Market by 6.50pm. These markets are so packed but a good atmosphere, food... so many food outlets and it tasted nice too. We then leave there and as most people know we headed for the Airport where we dropped off 2 girls, who waited around for 6hrs for the 2.20am red eye to Sydney, yes they have gone home to see their kids & surprise her friends !!.The boys arrived back at Dundee at 11pm. FRIDAY..... Up early and all the boys and Sharon head out looking for the traps which we had set with Smeds, its a huge area but we do well, especially on the 4th one we picked up.... there's a 6' croc about 7ft away from where we are picking up the trap, it just had it head above the water, with its eyes open looking at us, it didn't go under or move but we were ready to drop the trap, we only got 4 crabs but this turned out just right,
We got back and cooked them up and then drove down to a creek, which opens onto the beach ,we just stand in the water, which is only ankle deep and eat mud good is this !!! Later that arvo we went and picked up one of Smeds tinnies, & return to the park, then headed down to the tree for sunset which again is so red and nice. A bit of noise during night as some fishos have come into town, also fireworks around 1am. SATURDAY..... The 3 blokes put the boat in the creek and go out for a fish, its a bit windy and you can get lost in these creeks easy, plus the tide can drop very quick so you have to keep and eye out. Rans catches a stick (legal size but threw it back!!) and a small cod, whilst Tezza caught a good size Trevally approx 6kg, it took him 10-15min to bring in, he was exhausted by the end ( Terry not the fish !!) at one stage we weren't sure who was going to win, but he did well. We only stayed out for 2 & 1/2 hrs but it was good fun, we will try again tomozz, we did see a few barra hit the water. We filleted the fish into cocktail pieces so another healthy dinner. Tonight we have Fatz Thommo on here at the bar, apparently he is good so w'll give it a go, its currently 33deg.
Well, we went to see Thommo.... we sat at the front seat right in front of the stage, well, we had Sharon, Di & John all up doing songs, dancing, beating drums, the time warp & John being the sailor out of the Village People (& I thought I couldn't dance!!) it was a great nite with Thommo taking off Barry Gibb, Elvis, Meatloaf, Blues Brothers and many more, we didn't get to bed till 1.30am. It was so good sitting under the stars in thongs, singlet top/shorts, having a few quiet ones with free entertainment. SUNDAY... The boys are back fishing by 9am but we did no good, maybe it had something to do with a real lack of energy!!! Rans did get a good bite but it freed just as it got close to the boat.( another ONE THAT GOT AWAY STORY !!) Its Seniors Sausage Sizzle this arvo at the pub,so we go back down by the water and set up with drinks have a couple of snags for tea, a good arvo but we were all tired after sat nite..sleep well. MONDAY.... Smeds arrived back home yesterday arvo had a great time, but he is ready to take us out again, so we all head off about 9.30am to go fishing up the Finniss River, well we get bogged in a salt water crossing, so its all out pushing, that doesn't work, so we unhitch the boat trailer, push the landcruiser out, then pull the trailer through, this is great...what a laugh, enjoying it heaps, we then see a bunch of wild pigs, a big boar a few sows, and 8 or so piglets, ( mmm roast pork for tea) well, we stop and give chase but they take off and hide so fast, ( maybe we'll have fish instead !) we had no luck but it brought back memories of the greasy pig at Woy Woy oval during my younger days.
We continue on and get onto the sand of the beach, we stop when we see schools of popyee mullet, so Smeds gets out the net and tries but they are so fast, no luck, we continue on until we get to the mouth of the Finniss River, this is where many HUGH crocs are and only the Mary River may have more. We boys head off upstream leaving the girls on the bank. We only go 1km when we see our first croc sitting on the bank, we go near approx 4' away from it but it doesn't move, its big enough not to worry about us, we continue on and start fishing.
Within 15min Rans has his first Barra a 65cm 3kg fish, not much of a struggle but it did jump out of the water, great stuff. We continue for a while longer but no more success, so head back to girls, have some lunch, and swap as the girls go croc spotting. We hang around with another couple & try netting plus fishing with live bait, get 2 small bronze whaler sharks but put them back, we then see a huge croc across the bank sitting next to a crab trap.
We then see one swim past us approx 30ft away, we also see a dolphin jumping for a barra. The girls then come back and we boys head off across the bank to where the croc was, guarding the pot, but he has slipped into the water, Smeds jumps out, runs up in knee deep mud, and gets the trap, cause it had a lure on it, we grab it, throw the trap back very quickly..... oh boy... not for me!!! there is no way I would get out of this boat !! We then go for another fish, Rans sees a few more crocs, but no luck with fishing, Rans is the "fisho of the day", we head back along the beach, which its low tide now, so we can go all the way along without going near the mud !! we get back clean up and have a beautiful barra, salad and chips for tea, its about 8pm, so a another big day, but well worth it, having the time of my life, Smeds & Sharon are the best couple.
TUESDAY...... Wake up to a heavy fog over the park and sea, it turns out warm but there is a great sea breeze, we didn't head out today, had to get a few things done around the place, baked dinner with Smeds & Sharon they are coming over tonight. Carol is having a good time with her boys and friends, she has not stopped seeing everyone, plus dinners, lunches etc, I think she will need a holiday when she gets back !! Heading off to Darwin on Thursday, Take care , Blogg again soon, . Love to all Rans & Carol xxxxxxxxxxx
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