Here we walk around the rocks a short way..its so tempting that Rans jumps off the rocks into the Crystal clear waters & swims to shore. We then go around the corner to Madfish Bay where there is a small rock island out approx 200m from shore which allows water to flow through from both ways. Rans has a quick dip here too.This is just gorgeous..but wait it gets even better. We then go to a place called Greens Pool & this probably the best place we have seen since Coral Bay.
The waters here are prettier but the fish life is less. We all went for a swim here, as its protected by rocks & reefs. John & us 2 had a snorkel. The colours of the water go from blues to so many different greens, its AMAZING!!! After soaking up this place we walked over to Elephant Rocks, where the rock formations look like elephants.....Deerrrr.
The tour was very informative, we then headed down to Frenchman's Bay for a Picnic Lunch on the waters edge, a pretty area. We all then went on a coastline drive stopping at the following places Misery Bay, Salmon Holes, Stoney Hill & also the Gap & Natural Bridge which is very pretty. Every place is nice with some great Lookouts, Beaches & water.
We then made our back into town stopping at one last lookout.....Dan Murphys!!! We then went to Hyundai & picked up our car as it was in for a check up regarding the radiator, then back for a quick swim for Rans prior to tea. WEDNESDAY 22 FEB 12..........This morning Di not feeling well enough to go out so the four of us go for a drive out to Porongurup Ranges. We go to the first walking track which is a 3km return trek, which says a 40min easy walk....Well it was the longest 3km's we have done & the hardest walk we have done on this trip & we have done some good walks. It was very steep and rocky, but we all made it.
When we got near the top we all layed down in the shade of a large rock which was sitting precariously on another rock, we really couldn't have given a damn if it fell on us at that particular time. There was another group of people up there and they felt the same way. We then had to climb over & up some huge rock which had steel hand grips coming out of the rock.
This brought us to a wonderful view looking over the valley back to the ocean. Although it was hazy the sights were well worth the walk. But it hadn't finished yet as there was a ladder which took you up to the top f the rocks, with a walkway around the rocks, well John went up then Sandra tried but it was scary as to our right it was a drop of about 50m, so she came back down, Caz then tried but she also had wobbly legs then Rans tried and he was the same. The 3 of us then climbed back down to where there is another walkway which follows the land around the rocks, this was also great with excellent views.
From here we could see John up in the walkway so Rans went and tried to climb the ladder again & this time he was successful... Good on him as he isn't good with heights. They got some great photos. We then made our way back down which was also difficult with a number of slides on the way down. Once down we had a good laugh as we were exhausted and hot. We then made our way over to the the Tree in the Rock picnic area where we had lunch and walked the 100m to the tree in the rock..thank god it was only 100m. We then made our way back to our site stopping at a Strawberry Farm & tasting a number of products making some purchases. We then drove past a property where the owners have cut out a walrus & Vultures out of tree trunks & branches.
Very cleverly done....Once back John & Rans went for a swim to relieve those aching muscles before having a few drinks prior to dinner. THURSDAY 23 FEB 12.. A light shower over night but a beautiful morning. Sandra not feeling well today so its an easy day. Rans & me did some washing etc before heading out. We went to Middleton Beach and follow the coastline around to town, beautiful scenery, did some shopping before having a nice lunch (GF) in town.
We then returned & Rans & John went for a swim, it's windy but nice. Arvo drinks early nite. FRIDAY 24 FEB 12....A BIG Happy 16th Birthday to Our gorgeous niece ALEX BRISBANE !! Up early & take van/car to Auto Electricians whilst the Butlers head off to Bremer Bay. The Bewells & us then headed East to Two Peoples Bay but the road has been shut due to Fire Dangers, but it was an overcast day and no sign of any fire???? We then drove to Nanarup which was a basic beach then onto Gull Rock & Ledge Pt which showed us a view back towards Albany, we then continued on to Bettys Beach & Nth Point.
Although it was overcast Betty Beach is a beautiful bay blocking the wind and pretty green waters. We then made our way back to Emu Pt where we had fish & chips for lunch. Here Canadian John tried his first CHIKO ROLL and by his facial reaction and his stomachs reaction with a visit to the toilet shortly after it will probably be his last!!!! we then drove into town for some last minute things before picking up the car & van. We then returned for a swim & slowly packed up.