After a short walk around, John found 3 perfect camp sites all beside each other. This is probably the best cheap camp area that we have come across, the sites are big, its out of the wind, there is a toilet & rain water. After setting up we went for a drive down to Augusta( the most South Western part of Aus), well this is the most windiest place we have been. We stopped along the coastline to take photo's & we were doing it hard walking against the wind. The place where we stopped is where a Marina is going of luck!!! We then continued onto the Cape Leeuwin Lighthouse, well the wind here was even worse ! with even Rans being blown backwards...Yeah I know its hard to believe but its TRUE.
THURSDAY 9 FEB...Today we went for a drive to Hamelin Bay. The weather was hot & we set up our gear on the beach. John & Rans went for a snorkel but didn't see too many fish but they S.....HIT themselves when a huge Manta Ray glided underneath them. Scary stuff. We just hung around the beach soaking up the rays... no not the Manta..the sun... Us 2 went for a snorkel with the water just fantastic, & Carol has a huge Groper come towards her....she also S.....HIT's herself, thought it was a shark!!
The girls then went down to where the Manta Rays come to shore & they get to pat them & get some great photos. We then returned to our site & had some more illegal ales!! Another nice nite, so peaceful and saw heaps of Sputniks (satalites) over head. FRIDAY 10 FEB....Today we headed off to Pemberton, an old Timber Town where we set up in a pretty Caravan Park nestled in amongst some tall trees. We headed for a drive into the National Park stopping off at the Dave Evans Bi Centennial Tree which is approx 75 m tall with steel spikes coming out of the tree approx 1ft apart, so that you can climb to the top of the tree where there is a platform. Rans got 3m up, Caz got 5m & John made it to the 1st landing at 25m.
We also went to the Lavender Farm which is where we stayed 5 yrs ago. It has gone to rack & ruin now. We then drove into Manjimup where the others went shopping whilst Rans went & got his rear view mirror fixed as it had fallen off. We then made our way back to the camp ground for a nice evening with it being the calmest nite yet on our trip. SATURDAY 11 FEB..Rans gets up early & goes for a walk around town etc, sees the Trout & Marron Hatchery, the Tram Railway & the local pub. Today is John & Di's birthday so its their day.
After breakie we then continued through the forest before heading south through Northcliffe before arriving at Windy Harbour. This place is appropriately named but today it is quite calm & a nice place to stay with a C/Park and little well maintained huts/cabins. Here we have a nice lunch before checking out the lookouts that look over the Harbour & Ocean along with Salmon Bay. It is all so pretty, with beautiful blue waters, dolphins swimming, rugged limestone cliffs, untouched beaches.
We then head back to camp where we have arvo birthday drinks prior to a Lobster & Scallops dinner which was so yummy & a moist tasty GF birthday cake. A nice day & nite. SUNDAY 12 FEB....Rans wakes the others up at 3.15am as the power had been off for 45min, so that they could turn their gas on...but as they were changing over, the power came back on...Good One Rans!!! Today we head off south to Walpole, a fishing town. We come to our c/park, where there heaps of vans(most we have seen for a while). Its is the first time that we have had to set up our vans whilst it is sprinkling rain. Lazy arvo, Caz gets an arvo hair treatment from Sandy, Rans catches up on computer & paperwork. MONDAY 13 FEB.......This morning we go for a drive, firstly into Walpole to the Info Centre which made out of logs/wood. Here there are at least dozen vans pulled up, being the busiest town so far. We then drove to Nornalup Inlet the main waterway at Walpole, then drove back to our site as Carol had forgot the Camera & Thermos ( AGAIN !)Yes the camera again....We then drove up into the Forest stopping at a lookout which showed the Frankland River & both inlets of Walpole, then drove to the Giant Tingle Tree walk, which was good seeing some huge trees with the biggest tree trunks & branches (Kirra trees). We then walked the Circular Pool which was disappointing, compared to other similar places, then made our way back, seeing great flowering gum trees. After lunch the Bewells & Ransleys drove out to the Valley of the Giants and walked around the suspension bridge/walkway around the trees with us being 40m off the ground. Rans & Sandra were a bit frightened but they "TOUGHENED UP" and did the walk twice. We then did the canopy walk, which was also very good.
We returned home as it was Bake Dinner nite, Lamb & Veggies yummo ! A good day. Di is a bit off colour with Arthritis. TUESDAY 14 FEB...The 3 boys went fishing at 6am to a nearby beach on the inlet, they fish for 2 hrs with Rans catching 2 Bream keeping 1 & John had one throw back & Tezza none.....Boy that Rans can fish!! On leaving, Terry had a fall cutting open both his shins....ouch, it did hurt.....After breakie the Bewells & us go for a drive to Parry Beach, where there is a campground near the beach. The old couple who run the place are well past their use by dates & the sites are difficult to manoeuvre around but the beach area is great. We then drove to Peaceful Bay which is also a very beautiful & appropiately named Bay where fishing & swimming would be ideal. There is also a nice caravan park . Here we had lunch before driving out to Conspicuous Cliffs, where after parking in the car park we had a moderate walk up to a cliff where there is a platform which looks over a long wonderful/pretty beach.
This is one of the best sights we have seen with the colours of the water so so beautiful and at one end of the beach there is a steep green grassed hill..making it look like Hawaii. After taking in the sights for over half an hr we made our way down to the beach where there was only 1 other person. There were heaps of rips but still great areas to fish and have a dip. After walking along the beach we made our way back to camp having drinks & meeting up with a couple we met in Litchfield Van Park last July. Will close here, bye to all, take care & hope you & your families are safe & well. ..... Miss you all, The Ransley's.xxxxxxxxxx.
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