Hi to all and especially to Alex, Justine, James, Thomas & Amber and hope you's had a great birthday. Well we have moved on from Albany which was a great area to visit and explore, some great beaches & shorelines. So here is what has happened SATURDAY...25 FEB 12......We headed off and travelled to Bremer Bay. After setting up & catching up with Di & Tezza as they arrived a day earlier, us four(Bewells & Ransleys) headed off for a drive around the area. This is another beautiful place with pristine waters & white sands. We stopped at the following places, Fishery Beach where there is a small harbour for Trawlers & a nice small beach.

We then drove to Short Beach which is a nice area for fishing then onto Banky Beach & then down to Little Boat Harbour which was so nice. Here Rans & John have a swim. We also went down to Blossoms Beach. We also saw some homes nestled in the bushland with the best views over the Ocean. The weather had come in by the time we returned & we had some sprinkles of rain.

SUNDAY 26 FEB 12......Di is still not well so the four of us go for a drive into the Fitzgerald River Nat Park. The road part of the way in is bitumen then onto the smoothest dirt road that we have travelled on. We went to Mt Maxwell lookout with the smallest platform in Australia! We had to take turns on it !! We then had morn tea at West Mt Barren, passing on the way some wonderful native flowers & trees, some of which even Carol & Sandra didn't know or had seen before. Then made our way down to Pt Ann where the St Marys Inlet comes into the Ocean. This is a beautiful place of Australia with beautiful green coloured waters & white sands.

There is a camp area here which would be nice but no vans allowed. We then had lunch looking over the Ocean & met 2 people from Chain Valley Bay, then went on a walk around the headland with 2 lookouts, where at one we saw a Seal chasing Salmon which were in a school. We then started to make our way back & we took a detour down to the Old Homestead & then continued on a 4WD track travelling through bushland, we were in the middle of NOWHERE ! We stopped to check our map & whilst the four of us were concentrating on the map an old lady came from out of the bush and scared the .hit out of us.... She lived here and told us her name & where her husband was and that we should have known them!!!! What are the chances of that happening ??? We did have a good laugh after we drove off !!! We decided to continue on..maybe not the best decision we have made, as the road became very rough with deep corrugations, but we did make it out thankfully, ( as Carol had us almost lost & gone forever)!!! On arriving back we sat down with a drink & cheese and had a laugh about what was another nice day . MONDAY 27 FEB 12.....We had light showers during the night and the ground is quiet wet....a first!!It continued to sprinkle rain throughout the morning/lunchtime so we caught up on computer stuff & Caz watched a Video (The blind Side) In the arvo us 2 go for a walk down to the beach & on returning Caz had her hair cut & we had some cheese & bikkies again. We then had a nice tea...Sandra's cooked Corned Beef, yummy. TUESDAY 28 FEB 12........Headed off with slight rain with Caz driving. She continued to drive in rain, roadworks & some rude people on the walkie talkies but she done a great job. Very proud.We all pulled over at Ravensthorpe and had morn tea. Yes as those rude people drove past Rans gave them the bird!!! We then continued onto a Roadhouse where we were thinking of camping but it was a very poor site. We then continued on and drove into Stokes Inlet, which was a great campground with a good site for all 3 vans to park in. The amenities were also good. Here we caught up with Doug & Jan who we had met back at Walpole (from Umina), Later that arvo as the wind was blowing quite hard across the inlet the 5 of us went for a walk through the Nat Park.

Here we passed large Cycad trees, there were so many. We then made our way back for arvo drinks etc with Doug & Jan who were taking over as camp hosts from tomorrow. It was a good arvo. We continued to get rain throughout the nite.

WEDNESDAY 29 FEB 12.....Us 2 head off earlier than the others as we wished to get to a couple of camping spots in the Le Grand Nat Park. We got to the entrance to the Park and there were signs up stating that the camp areas were full so we rang the contact number & they said that the sign hadn't changed since last nite so there maybe people leaving, so we continued on to Lucky Bay but it turned out not to be so lucky with the camp hosts informing us that all spots were full. In the meantime John & Sandra had caught up & they checked out Le Grand but that was also full. We then decided to continue East to a spot called Dunn's Rock. In the meantime the Butlers decided to return to Esperance to set up in a caravan park. The road into Dunn's was approx 15kms of dirt with some bad corrugation but when you got there it was well worth it. There was only one other van here so we set up in a spot out of the wind. After lunch we then made our way into Esperance where we shopped & caught up with Di & Tezza.

On returning we drove down onto the beach but it was very windy so we returned for our normal drink/bikkies. We had some rain during the night. THURSDAY 1 MARCH 12....Some slight rain this morning but it clears to an overcast day, so we went for a drive for the day. We firstly go to Duke of Orleans Bay, where there is a van Park. This is a nice area with the start of the best couple of days sightseeing that we have had. Words & Photos will not due justice for what we are about to write & show but here goes. In close proximity is Wharton Beach with a nice headland, wonderful white sand, clear water. There is a lookout and a Little Wharton Beach which was so beautiful.

Here we drove down to the water's edge and had morning tea on the rocks..How good is life. We then made our way back to Lucky Bay, where we saw the vans almost on top of each other in this small camp ground, but when we go down to the beach we know why. This beach was voted as having the whitest sand in Aus & its true. We went for a drive along the beach to the other end where there is a viewing platform looking over Lucky Bay and 2 other small inlets which are so so pristine. Its so beautiful. We decide to have lunch on the actual beach. After lunch we went up to the Flinders Monument showing where/when Matthew Flinders came to Lucky Bay.

Don't know why he moved on!!!! We then drove to Thistle Cove & the Whistling Rock another great placed with fantastic rock formations & water, then went to Hellfire Bay which was just almost the perfect spot. The water was so clear, sand so white, the area so beautiful ( Rans's best spot). We then made our way to Cape Le Grand passing Frenchmans Peak a Mountain with a large hole through the rock near the top. You can also walk to the top to have fantastic views but we were running out of time (that's our excuse). Arriving at Le Grande we have another almost perfect beach. Here you can camp but again all full. We walked up to a platform overlooking the beach which gives great views.

We then decide to go for a drive along the beach. This is one of the best beach drives anyone could take. It go for 20kms to Wiley Beach which is almost in Esperance. The surf was so clean, we even saw a seal surfing through the waves. We then made the return journey again being so enthralled in the water & views. We then drove back to our camp site having enjoyed the day so much. We finished the day off with some cheese & bikkies & a nice tea with the stars out. Our neighbour had moved on so it was just us 2 vans to the whole area..so so good. It started to rain heavy around 10pm but it lasted only a short time.

FRIDAY 2 MARCH 12....Rans is up early & decides to sit outside on his camp/homemade toile..... the next thing a bloke walks past ! but not too close, thank goodness, you just can't sit anywhere in peace.!! Rans then walks down to the beach and meets up with the bloke who came in last nite when it was raining. Anyway Rans goes for a long walk on the beach, he has the whole beach to himself so he goes for a nudie swim before returning for a nice cooked breakie. The weather has turned out great today. After packing up we went for a drive down along Dunns Beach. Rans & John have a swim catching some good waves.

It was a great morning. we then head off into Esperance where we set up at the same park as Di & Tezza. The arvo is spent doing stuff to the van etc before having arvo drinks. Its baked chook tonite & its was bloody beautiful. Just a fantastic day.
SATURDAY 3 MARCH 12....Well today TOPS our stay in Esperance & the surrounding area off. Rans first off goes for a walk along the Esplanade & Jetty. The four of us then head off west from Esperance following the Coast, we stopped at the following places, Rotary Lookout which looks over Esperance, the Recherche Archipelago's & the start of the best beaches in Australia. West Beach...fantastic Salmon Beach.....so pretty. Twilight Bay & Beach....Probably the best so far, Rans & John have a swim here.

The water is so clear it looks like the bottom is only 2ft below you but its over 10-12ft. As we were leaving the beach, Sandra sees a Tiger snake come out of the sand hills and warns others. We then made our way to Picnic Beach, Observatory Hill which overlooks the ocean. We have morning tea here. Then onto Observatory Pt, Nine Mile Beach, Ten Mile Lagoon...here the colour of the water changes so so much....greens, blues light & darks. Eleven Mile Beach.. here with small water holes inside a long reef which looks magnificent.

We then drive to the Pink Lake which was a bit disappointing so we decide to turn around and see it all over again, stopping again at Twilight Beach for lunch and also Blue Haven Beach. We then make our way back to our site,we decided that the beaches we have seen today & over the past 2 days are the best by far. If we had more time we would stay with no questions asked & it will be a place we "WILL RETURN" to & a place everyone should see. SUN 4 MARCH 12...Rans is up early & headed down to Salmon Beach for one last swim. On his return the 2 sisters go for a walk along the Jetty seeing Sammy the seal.

They then proceeded to the local markets & on their return we headed off travelling North to Kalgoorlie. It took us about 5hrs with Sandy driving a bit of the way. By the time we set up it was well into happy hr so... we extended the happy hr. After dinner the 2 of us sat outside with a beautiful night watching the stars.

MONDAY 5 MARCH 12.....Another nice day, today we went for a drive up to the Super Pit Mine where they bring out truck after truck load of rock looking for gold. This is a big pit, one of 22 in an area of 900km's. We then went to Mt Charlotte Lookout where the first water reservoir was built, then went for a drive through the town, seeing magnificent buildings, also down Hay St....the Brothel St... We then went thru the Mine Museum which was very interesting. We then went to Carol & Sandra's cousins place Doug & his wife Jules, and also met his son Daniel. The girls haven't seen Doug for 36yrs.
We had a good arvo but Doug had to go to work about four so we then returned to do some repairs to our vans. Another nice nite.
TUESDAY 6 MARCH 12............John & Rans go & play the first 2 rounds of Golf of the Nullabor Course. Rans says the course is good. He got a 9 & 8 whilst John got 6 & 7. Later on we went into town to look around & do last minute shopping. The weather is nice here again today...sorry.
In the arvo us 2 go back into town to go on the Local Establishment Tour but we were a bit late so we missed out, so the next best thing, Woolies liquor for Nullabor Supplies, we then returned for a swim. Another nice nite outside for tea. So bye for now and will catch up again in about a week when we hit South Australia. Have a good & safe Holiday Colleen & Ernie, Happy Birthday Karen T & Sharon. Also have a good Holiday resting that Thumb Deb Houlie.Also Happy Anniversary to my beautiful wife, love you heaps Darl.
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